Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Book of Lost Tales: Chapter 1 - The Transformation Revolution

My recent encounter with my bathroom scale has me focused suddenly. I know what I need to do now. I decide that it would be best to slowly ease into a gradual change in my diet while making exercise a regular aspect in my life. However, I know that I am a sugar junkie. I down energy drinks and soda like it's my job. Frosted sugar cookies were a part of my regular lunch. No joke. I couldn't even tell you how many times in my senior year in college that I would down two Monster energy drinks with a pack of peppered beef jerky while programming a computer project after work at around midnight (Nutrition totals from said products: 680 calories, 119 g carbohyrdates, 119 g sugar, 2785 g sodium, 4000 mg taurine). I had that combo at least 28 times yearly for the weekly computer projects I would pull all-nighters for. That's not including staying up late nights for finals and bioinformatics projects. All in all, I would estimate that I had this combo 40 times a year. If you were to cut me, I would probably bleed caffiene. My new goal is to get rid of them completely? It's much easier said then done. I was running on adrenaline everyday. Don't try this at home, kids. The first week I decided that I would run or cycle every other day while going on the Weight Watchers diet. Yes, I said Weight Watchers. This diet is based off a point system which is configured by a formula of calories, fat and fiber. The more calories and fat a serving of food had, the more points it was obviously. More fiber meant less points actually. It's a little more complicated of a system than this, so I'm just going to leave it to the basics for now. The first week of this journey, I felt like I was going to die. I had no energy and was as sluggish as a sloth, but I no longer woke up in the middle of the night with my heart racing. Of course, I had a major "sugar and caffiene hangover" for the entire duration of the time, so I noticed I became irratable and grouchy easily. If you said anything smart or cute about me dieting on Weight Watchers, I would feel the blood pump through my veins. I knew this new rage needed to be extinguished. However, I shred off an extreme amount of fat within the first two weeks of the diet. I weighed in at 168 after just two weeks, which was incredible. Ten pounds in two weeks and all I did was get rid of all the junk in my diet? Nice. However, I felt something was still wrong. I had no energy ever and slept about 11-13 hours a day. I now realize that I was only eating around 1500 calories a day and the fat I was eating was barely approaching 20 grams a day. Throw in some cardio exercise of running 1-2 miles or biking for 40 minutes every other day, and you can see where all of my energy goes. Out the window. So in conclusion, I had lost a lot of weight from mainly detoxing my diet, but I had no energy and am starting to lose any remains of muscle I once had. It's time to get fit!

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