Monday, December 29, 2008

Meaningless Nonsense : The Absence

So, many people have been getting on my back about not posting any normal, interesting things on this site. Well, I finally was able to get back on today. Now I know what you're thinking. Right now, you're probably sitting at home, at your desktop, thinking "Why the hell has he been out for so long? Was he busy? Has he lost interest in his writing side? Did he sustain an injury?". The answer as to why I haven't been able to "blog" in so long is simple - memory. Yes, that's right, memory has prevented me from blogging. Here is my sad story of this procedure. You may need a box of tissues.

One day, I decided it would be a good idea to create a gmail account on google. So I did that, and I linked that account to my blogspot here. I got more involved with college and didn't log on here for awhile. Naturally, I entered my old email address when things at Wilkes cooled down for me a bit. For some reason, I have about 50 different passwords I use (by accident mostly). Needless to say, I had some trouble logging in. Well it turns out, I was entering my yahoo email to log in during that time frame.

Then it hit me. I realized that I changed my email address. It was like a bright light had suddenly shone on me. While snickering and laughing at how silly of a mistake I made, I started entering my gmail address in. Then another problem hit me suddenly. I completely forgot my gmail username and password. A good reason why this happened is probably because I never used it. Whoops, my bad. For the past month or so, I would make an attempt to remember my username and password when trying to sign on here, and it would fail.

I tried everything to log into my blogger. I desired greatly to entertain people around the entire world with my uniqueness and stories. I had trouble sleeping at night knowing that some of my greatest fans would go to sleep without reading any posts by me since I could not log on.

I had to do something different about this. I tried a different approach. This time I got the 'genius' idea of creating a new gmail address. I kept it simple this time. Surely, I would remember the gmail address now. The result was very disappointing. I did actually remember the address and password for the new one. However, that email address was never linked to my blogspot account, and I simply had no way to do that without actually logging in with my old, forgotten username and password. I was beginning to think I was in a catch 22. I even tried to 'hack' into my own gmail account. However, this did not work. I had no idea what my new, unique username could be.

Today, I was inspired and determined to log onto my blogspot. I tried even more attempts for logging in. I was finally able to find the username that was valid for blogspot. However, I still did not know the password. So, I had to reset my account on here. Only problem with that was that I would ultimately need to log into my gmail account, which I did not know the password for. So I went to and clicked to reset my password. Then, a little box came up and asked me the answer to the security question I made that fateful night. It read "What was your first phone number?". I chuckled at how easy the question was, and put in my original home phone number. However, there existed a problem. It would not work. Had I been unconscious when I made the new gmail account? I tried entering it with hypens, with and without the area code, with spaces and even parenthesises. No good. I had completely screwed myself on this one. Then I realized, I had two cell phone numbers which I may have used for the question. I entered every possible combination for them, but still had no luck logging in.

Finally, I realized that I had linked my yahoo email on gmail as a secondary email account. Then, I was finally able to send a reset password link to that email address. Then, I logged into yahoo, and clicked the link and reset my gmail password. After all that hard work, here I am now posting to you all about it. It is a indeed a little ironic, but still pretty funny too. I do not want to experience the effects of growing old! ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank god you're back man! My brudder and I have been wondering what happened to ya. We check in weekly for what zany things you have in store for us! Keep it coming!

- Chuck from Rhode Island