Monday, September 29, 2008

Importance of Video Games

All right, let's settle the score right here, right now. For all you nay-sayers that believe video games are a waste of time and provide nothing useful to society, you are wrong. Let me list a few reasons why backed up with some real life situations.

Reasons why video games are beneficial to individuals.
1. Video games can make individuals smarter.
- Playing puzzle games and other games that involve making strategical decisions can create more situations in which individuals have to use his or her brain more. This can create neural connections in the brain in which neurons or brain cells are linked together. The more neural connections in the brain there are, the more advanced the whole unit can become. The neurons are able to accommodate more knowledge and link that knowledge throughout the brain.

Neurons are connected and are able to transmit more signals and receive accommodate knowledge (above).

2. Video games teach the importance of teamwork.
-Playing games can make individuals realize the importance of teamwork. Individuals that are struggling achieving a certain task on a video game, can benefit off the teamwork of other individuals playing the same game. They can then communicate and try to work out a strategy like a team to achieve the same goal together. Through this everyone can learn that working together is beneficial and necessary in many real-life situations.

3. Video games can create leadership abilities in individuals.
-Yes, it sounds crazy but think about it. defines leadership as "an act or instance of leading; guidance; direction:". If someone is good at a game and leads his team to achieve a certain goal by leading by example or command, then he obviously is demonstrating an ability of leadership.

4. Video games can provide for a very fun hobby.
-Sometimes when you feel pushed around from work or school, you can escape from it by playing video games. It's almost as like you're suddenly in a whole different world, exploring different and new things.

5. It's a good to way to socialize with other individuals.
-If there is nothing exciting to do in town or it's a rainy day outside, how much more exciting will playing a video game with friends probably be?

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