Monday, May 11, 2009

Get off the juice!

So now Manny Ramirez has tested posted for banned substances in the MLB. Am I surprised? Nope. Major League Baseball has become a major joke during the past decade. Now, six out of the top ten home run hitters in the past few years have tested positive for steroids. Seriously, this is a major reason why I, and many other irritated fans cannot watch baseball anymore. I mean how realistic is jacking baseballs out of stadiums? What is this, an XBOX video game?

The Implicated Users:
Barry Bonds- Despite what he says, we all know that Barry Bonds used steroids during his baseball career. This guy enters the league with Pittsburgh noted for his speed and ability to steal bases. Then, he suddenly becomes ripped, and is cranking baseballs out of the Giants ballpark to the bay. Personally, I hope he never gets in the Hall of Fame. Just take a look at how much he has changed throughout his baseball career.

Alex Rodriguez- I was shocked when I heard A-Rod's name linked to steroid use. He never really struck me as having a huge body like Barry Bonds or Jason Giambi. But, now that will be associated with his name for the rest of his career.

Roger Clemens- Don't even get me started on this.

The Suspended Users:
Manny Ramirez- Wow, Manny Ramirez is doing absolutely fantastic in Los Angeles. Must be the trade that sent there, right? Nope. He was juicing up. Tested positive for steroids. Manny = Joke.

Rafael Palmeiro- He was man enough to say in court that he has never used steroids. "I have never intentionally used steroids. Never. Ever. Period." However, he then later tested positive for Stanzolol (Anabolic Steroid) in 2005. Glad to know he's honest though. (Slams hand on forehead)

The Admitted Users:
Jason Giambi- Jason Giambi has done multipe types of steroids. Admitted Using: Steroids (The Clear, The Cream, Deca-Durabolin, Injectable Testosterone), Human Growth Hormone. However, at least he admitted that he did them, and did not lie to everyone like how Barry Bonds is doing.

Gary Sheffield- Gary Sheffield admitted using several types of steroids to the jury during the BALCO cases. Admitted Using: Steroids (The Clear, The Cream, Andriol). Sheffield has claimed that his drugs came directly from Barry Bonds.

Jose Canseco- Canseco has openly admitted to using drugs and has been suppling the MLB with names of the others who won't admit it. His book Juiced, names several players who were involved with himself and steroids. Admitted Using: Steroids (Deca-Durabolin, Winstrol, Equipose, Anavar), Human Growth Hormone. Personally, I think that Canseco is doing the right thing. Even though he screwed up with using steroids, at least he realized he was wrong and is trying to redeem for his mistake.

The True Non-Users:
Ken Griffey Jr.- I love Ken Griffey Jr. If he didn't have so many injury problems, he may have broke Hank Aaron's record legitimately. Possibly one of the greatest all around players of all time, Griffey Jr. could steal bases, hit homers and make shockingly unbeliveable catches. The only reason he got injured so much was from constantly throwing his body around to make incredible catches. This guy is the pure defintion of a team player. Ken Griffey Jr. will always remain one of the baseball athletes during this modern era who I respect the most.

Derek Jeter- This guy is considered by many to be streaky at the plate. However, his defensive ability is outstanding. He is one of the all-time great baseball atheletes of the modern era, who hasn't used steroids. I respect his ability to lead and his love of the game.

Alfonso Soriano- Alfonso has the speed of grease lightning, which makes him able to steal more bases than other players. He also has the ability to hit the long ball. Being a cubs fan, I was absoluetly pumped when the Cubs made a move to get Soriano in their lineup. Not only is his ability to play great, he has not used steroids, and is great with community service and helping out other people.

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