Monday, July 28, 2008

Life's Mysteries: Destiny and Fate

Imagine you're calmly walking on a sidewalk of a street, when suddenly a car spinning out of control with locked up brakes veers directly into you and sends you air-borne! What happened? Better question, how did it happen? We know that the brakes on the car locked up, but what are the chances for the car to hit that exact particular spot where you are walking while spinning recklessly in many directions? We can conclude that the odds of that happening are very slim. But was the cause of this result in this situation, a cause of the ultimate agency called destiny predetermining events to lead to the result, or just a case of bad luck? Perhaps that is a question we can never really know the answer too.

Many people believe in destiny, and that things in life are laid out for us, almost like a map. This map we cannot alter. Things fall into place and outcomes are set up by some higher power usually. For example, perhaps it was destiny if a male were to run past a stop light that was red while driving and smash into a car who turned out to be a female driver he thought was absolutely beautiful and irresistible and eventually married. In that situation, maybe the male was meant to get into an accident to meet the love of his life. Indeed, this is an extreme case of destiny, but sometimes things happen that we have no control over. A sequence of uncontrollable events can lead us to an outcome such as falling into love, getting hired at a job, achieving your greatest dream imaginable or death. The thought of such a strong uncontrollable power can often be scary, however. Surely, most of us want some type of control in our life, right? Maybe so, but often there are some things in life which we have no control over, and cannot explain how or why it happened but just know it happened. Maybe it happened for a reason, but one cannot be really 100% sure.

The opposite of the preceding idea of destiny controlling our lives, is the thought that we create our own fate or destiny. In this lifestyle, we have more control in our lives and are not constantly being pulled away from a strange power. One who tends to believe in this idea, also believes a lot in luck too usually. Perhaps people are not destined to become something they have no control over. If a boy has five people in his family that are doctors and is really good at science, does this mean that he is meant to be a doctor? Maybe it does, but many people might believe that the boy can become whatever he wants even if all signs point to him being a doctor. If people can create their own destiny, they are not always "doomed" to being unhappy from a uncontrollable certain situation.

Either of these two ideas can be right, but what about the third idea? The blended idea that our destiny is predetermined but yet still possesses a level of control that humans have. I believe that life is predetermined in many ways. There are certain things in life we have no control over. Whether it may be running into the love of our life 'accidentally', or having bad genes for health concerns. However, I also believe that we still have power as humans to try and overcome these predetermined events. For example, by trying to take care of one's body eating and exercising properly, we can overcome health issues. I believe life is like a map with different pathways on it to our end result. We can choose our own path, but often at times, something unexpected shows up along the way which can be good or bad.

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