Monday, July 28, 2008

Meaningless Nonsense: The Story Behind the Name

I decided that after every several posts, I will post a "meaningless nonsense" section, which explains a random stupid fact about me. I can just sense how excited you are all! Lol, but seriously, I am just adding these in here for amusement purposes really. Today, I will talk about the meaningless story behind my AIM name and Xbox gamertag; Pistolkid. The name originated when I was in 8th grade. At that time, I recently got a computer. I was looking for a cool AIM name which sounded cool and wasn't just my name and age after it. I experimented with a few names before finding one I really liked. My first attempt of an awesome AIM name was "ViperVenom004". Now, some people actually like that name, but it had no real meaning to me really. To me, it sounded like a random name that I was trying too hard to sound cool with. The number 004 had no meaning to me either. It was just the first available number for the name ViperVenom. Seriously, what the hell kind of a name is ViperVenom004? I mean, I have nothing to do with vipers or snakes. No one has ever called me a snake. And the last time I checked, I don't go around spitting poison in random people's eyes, or have I ever played the villian 'Venom' in Spiderman 3. So, shortly after the creation of ViperVenom, I had purchased a James Bond video game; Agent under Fire. Now, I was even more determined to get a cool name I could use for the video game. I loved playing Agent under Fire so much, that I beat the game several times. I found out that I enjoyed one thing especially in the game. Playing the missions using only my pistol. I took much amusement going around all stealthy with the pistol and firing one shot in my enemies' faces. (Note to the FBI: If you are reading this, I am just talking about a game!) Anyway, nothing was more funny seeing my enemies holding huge shotguns and machine guns and just drop to one shot from a pistol! During multi-player games with my brother and cousins, they constantly complained of me using the pistol non-stop. Then the ideas started to storm around in my head for a new name.

I was looking to purchase a game for my computer called Counter-Strike and still was without a cool sounding name. So one day, I took a pencil and notebook and brainstormed for about 3 hours. I finally came up with the name of 'Pistol', a prototype for the eventual real name. I experimented using Pistol in video games. It felt like it had a nice short and sweet sound about it, almost like 'Blade' or 'Laser'. But there was something else missing to me in the name. It sounded like it needed to be a tad longer. So I debated of names to add to the end of Pistol. Finally, the word 'Kid' stuck out to me. The snazzy sound of the name was just so attractive to me. Pistolkid. It was a name that had authority and action. A name of recklessness and rage. A name with pure dominance and supremacy. It was a name that sounded pretty cool to me at least. When I wanted to add numbers to my AIM name, it was clear to me that 007 was the most viable option. The result of using the name was most beautiful. Many frustrated gamers would ask "Who is going around using the pistol to kill?" only to hear the answer of a bullet from 'Pistolkid'.

Oh, and ViperVenom is still actually used today by me, in my fantasy baseball team called "Vicious Viper Venom".

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