Monday, August 4, 2008

Colt shows up against the Colts

I was able to watch the Redskins beat the Colts Sunday night during the Hall of Fame game. I must say that I was impressed with one certain player; backup quarterback Colt Brennan. The 6th round draft pick from Hawaii showed a lot of energy, poise and throwing accuracy. When I heard that the Redskins drafted Colt, I was very pleased. I was satisfied because Colt is the type of player that gives 110% and is a team player. He set records in Hawaii. Many people are questioning his ability to play in the big game. But, I really think this kid might be able to be a starting quarterback in a few years. He brings a lot of energy to the team.

Colt completed 9 out of 10 passes during the pre-season game Sunday night and threw two touchdown passes. Also, on one pass Colt "threaded the needle" between a free safety from the Colts and hit his receiver right on the money. He also was a factor outside of the pocket as he rolled out a several times on a few passing plays. Colt has some great potential and I will not be shocked if he is eventually starting for the Washington Redskins. Of course, since it was pre-season, he was throwing against some 2nd and 3rd string defensive players. However, I think he made some fantastic plays that any defense wouldn't be able to defend against. Below are highlights taken from the game of Colt Brennan. Try to observe the amount of energy he brings to the table, and take a look at his accuracy as he made some great throws in some very tight windows. Those are traits you can't teach.

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