Friday, February 18, 2011

The Book of Lost Tales: Chapter 7 - Get Ripped!

"Anyone have some tape? Because I'm ripped!"
-Ben "Coco" Williams, Scott Francis's Math Class, 2006

The last month of Insanity makes you feel like you approaching death during every workout. Even the recovery workouts weren't a change of pace by any means. However, at the same time, it is rewarding to finish every workout and have no feelings of guilt of not bringing effort. It's a love / hate relationship. Someone once explained to me an analogy that summed it up pretty good. You feel horrible while you're working out, but you feel great afterward. The opposite is said for when you don't workout and eat unhealthy food and drinks. You feel good while you're eating all those sugary sweets and beverages, but then you feel bloated or guilty afterward. Just look up the meaning of the word hangover.

The exercises became much longer and therefore the duration of my pain was extended. At the same time, my body was gaining much more muscle and fat loss for all the extra pain that was getting signaled throughout my body. My goals of losing fat were happening rather quickly. I was shredding a handful of pounds every week.

While there were many changes going on physically with my body, there were also great changes mentally. My mood improved greatly it seemed. I had more energy than ever before and this time it wasn't from a energy drink or several large coffees. I also noticed that my taste buds were evolving. The first time I tried V8 vegetable juice, I almost gagged! By this point, I was downing V8 like I use to down soda and energy drinks. I actually looked forward to the taste. It's rather odd how this happened, but I guess I just got use to the taste. My favorite meal of the day though easily became my mid-morning and evening snacks. I included a protein bar or shake in both of those daily meals. Usually, I found myself eating a lot of Myoplex bars and shakes and Pure Protein bars. The Pure Protein bars probably have the best value of any bar. They are dirt cheap and have a decent amount of protein (20 g) in them. The taste of Myoplex is incredible in my opinion, however, they can be expensive. I still didn't have a full time job at this point, so I just stocked up on Pure Protein mostly. The Myoplex bars were like a treat I bought when I worked more hours at Lowe's.

Some noticeable physical changes to my body were that my shoulders were starting to develop nicely. Also, I felt a lot of strength build in my hamstring throughout the weeks. My abs started to develop around the recovery week, but near the end of the program is when they started to shape up nicely! I was just about done on my insane, little journey and I couldn't have been happier "getting ripped".

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