Monday, February 28, 2011

P90X Round 2 Day 8: Chest and Back & Ab Ripper X

So, I have no idea what the hell happened to me in just one week, but I somehow was able to CRUSH standard push-ups today. I cranked out 60 without stopping, which is 10 reps higher than what I started round 2 with last week. Was that rest day I took a day of magic, or did I become a superhero over the weekend? I think that my added strength had to do with going deeper on my push-ups last week possibly. I was able to touch my chest against the ground before coming up on push-ups last week with no problems, so I guess that must of tremendously added some chest strength? Either that or the Eminem I had blasting in the background got me pumped. Haha, I am at a loss of words really, but I am not complaining. Anyway, since I was able to do 60 in great form without stopping today, I'm going to set a high goal of increasing my push-up rep count by 10 weekly. Yeah yeah, the ego is really big today. I know. Is this rep increase possible? Who knows? But I'm going to find out. If I can get to 100 push-ups without stopping at ANY point during this round, I'll be EXTREMELY happy.

The pull-ups increased a ridiculous amount from last week too. I went from 13 wide grip front pull-ups to a total of 18 to start. I still used 25 pounds of weight added on my dip belt. All of this number crushing did have me a little worn down near the end of the video though, which I figured would happen. However, I was so excited that I didn't stop going, of course. It's like the tank was on empty, but I wanted to see how far I could push the pin past that empty mark. Why not? It doesn't make sense to beat a number by one and then quit if I feel like I can crank some more reps out. I may experiment with some more added weight on the pull-ups next week, but we'll see with that.

I was able to nail Ab Ripper X again with the rep count, and today I did something extra. I threw my arms in the air for the In and Outs, Bicycles and Reverse Bicycle moves today. I started thinking to myself that this would be a great way to increase lower back strength, because it has to maintain more balance. Then, I can start cranking out those Crunchy Frogs with no problem. At least, that's my hypothesis for the time being. Plus, adding arms in the air makes those first three moves pretty tough.

Also, on a side note, despite getting maybe only 4-5 hours of sleep from last night, I had no issues at work today with fatigue. The day actually seemed to go by quicker somehow! The stranger thing that has me baffled is how I wasn't affected from the lack of sleep during the workout. Tonight I plan on getting a well deserved 7 hours of sleep, and I think I'm going to sub out Plyometrics with a lighter custom cardio workout for tomorrow. Maybe all that high intensity interval training from last week limited some muscle growth by burning a little of it off. This week is slowly becoming an experimental week it looks like.

The diet was clean yet again today. Here's how it went:

Meal 1:
- 2 whole eggs, 3 egg whites
- cup of oatmeal
- banana
- glass of soy milk

Meal 2:
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- carrots
- granny smith apple

Meal 3:
- protein bar
- protein shake

Meal 4:
- turkey wrap (whole wheat wrap)
- whole grain brown rice (cup)
- 1 0z dry roasted peanuts

Meal 5:
- multi-grain crackers
- orange
- chicken breast
- peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat

Meal 6:
- recovery drink
- protein bar

Meal 7:
- chicken breast
- glass of V8 low sodium
- celery sticks

Meal 8:
- two scoops of casein protein before bed

Thanks for reading,

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