Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Book of Lost Tales: Chapter 9 - Rest Well, my Child

During the two weeks I took off after Insanity, I got plenty of rest and I remember that I didn't work as much. I basically slept all day and when I woke up, I would watch several movies all night and then repeat the next day. Honestly, I welcomed the rest at first, but it soon became very boring. Watching movies all day and then occasionally working a four hour shift here and there was not difficult at all. I was looking for a challenge, and I was kind of shocked that I missed working out so intensely. But I wanted more. I wanted to change my whole lifestyle. This wasn't about just shredding some fat and getting a six pack anymore. It was living a healthy lifestyle for good. That was my new priority. I wasn't ready to just throw the towel in on healthy living.

The first week of my rest period, I researched the internet like a scout trying to decide what I would put on my plate next. I briefly considered another round of Insanity, but I wanted to start gaining more muscle. I also considered the extreme of gaining muscle and try something ridiculous like Arnold's Pumping Iron workout. However, I don't have that much equipment at the house and that would just be ridiculously insane. I considered trying a hybrid program of intense sports training for a month or two as well. There were really a lot of options to choose from, and I kept an open mind to everything. I still wasn't exactly sure what was in store for me after my rest period but I knew I wanted something challenging.

I still followed my diet pretty well during the rest week. I logged all of my calories and was taking about 2250 or so a day during my rest week. The important thing to keep in mind is not to indulge after finishing an intense workout program. I have read a lot of stories about people who put on about 70% of all the weight they lost from Insanity after a two week period of finishing it. You need to be careful and continue to eat healthy. I knew that just because I finished an intense cardio workout program that I wasn't going to "treat myself" because I deserved it or something. In reality, I probably did deserve an off-diet day, but I wasn't going to partake in it. I just wanted to rest.

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