Sunday, February 27, 2011

P90X Round 2 Day 7: Rest

Day 07
Today was a rest day or a day off from training, and boy, did I rest. I slept in until about noon today (I know, what a champ, right?) to where I instantly checked my fantasy hockey team, only to see it sitting there in shambles. I have Sidney Crosby on my team, so you can probably guess that my team has been struggling to make the fantasy playoffs as he has been injured for the last month or so. But that's a whole another ball-game and you simply wouldn't want to hear my rants about fantasy hockey. Besides, there would probably be a lot swear words on here and I have to keep my reputation as a gentleman, ya know!

After viewing the ruins of my fantasy hockey team, I decided to check the weight today to see if I am making any gains. In order to keep things accurate, I will be checking my weight every Sunday morning on an empty stomach before breakfast. This way no water weight is factored in here. When I checked the scale, I was a little surprised and disappointed to see 155.6 (I use a digital scale). Now, I did gain some weight although it was only about half a pound. That's not terrible, but at this rate, I would only weigh about 163 at the end of my 13 weeks. I'm trying to shoot for a slow gain in muscle to 170, so I decided that I would add to my daily calorie intake. I knew my metabolism was always pretty fast, but this is straight up ridiculous. I am having trouble gaining weight even when eating 3750 calories daily! Therefore, I will now be eating at least 4000 calories daily. Those added calories will give me at least an extra 1000 every week compared to when I was eating roughly 3750. This sounds like fun for most of you, but it's actually pretty hard to eat 4000 healthy calories daily. I have to split them up in about 7-9 meals throughout the day about 2-3 hours apart from each meal.

After I checked my weight, I pretty much relaxed at the house all day. I made meals for work tomorrow and here's a sample of what I take to work with me everyday to eat:
As you can see, I don't fool around. The things up above that I am taking to work with me tomorrow include some brown rice, cottage cheese, turkey with a wrap, peanut butter sandwich, protein bar, protein shake, whole grain crackers, apple, orange, 3 oz of carrots, 2 tbsp of olive oil, 1 oz dry roasted peanuts and grilled chicken breast. I'll split these up into four meals at work tomorrow.

The meals went pretty well again I believe today. Here's how it went:
Meal 1:
- 2 whole eggs, 3 egg whites
- cup of oatmeal
- cup of strawberries
- glass of almond milk

Meal 2:
- protein bar
- banana

Meal 3:
- chicken breast
- cup of whole wheat pasta
- cottage cheese with apples and a hint of cinnamon
- multi-grain crackers

Meal 4:
- peanut butter sandwich (whole wheat bread)
- 1 oz dry roasted peanuts
- honey nut cherrios (cup)
- kiwi

Meal 5:
- protein bar
- protein shake

Meal 6:
- two scoops of unflavored whey with water (the absolute worst thing I have ever tasted in my life. Hands down. It's so bad that I have to hold my breath and down it really quick in order to finish it. It's so healthy though. No fat, 50 some grams of protein, 210 calories, 2 carbs and no sugar)
- tofu salad
- baby carrots

Meal 7 (before bed):
- one scoop of casein protein
- 2 tbsp of olive oil

It looks like I'll be going to bed a little late tonight, so hopefully I won't have any issues working at The Office tomorrow (and no that was not a Steve Carrel reference). I find that whenever I get under 7 hours of sleep I sometimes have to catch myself from falling into a hypnotic sleep. When that happens, I'll try to eat something with carbs for a brief energy boost. Coffee is always a last resort.

Thanks for reading,

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