Wednesday, February 23, 2011

P90X Round 2 Day 3: Shoulders and Arms & Ab Ripper X

Day 03
Today was probably the deepest I have ever went on a P90X workout. I felt awesome after Shoulders and Arms with Ab Ripper today. There were a couple of reasons for this I feel. First off, I worked today like every weekday from 8:00-4:30. I literally drove about 80 mph on the highway to hurry back home and do my workout before going out for my Gram's 80th birthday at 6:30. Therefore, I took no pauses at all today as I didn't want to waste time. I didn't even hit the pause button to change weights. I changed weights briefly while Tony was talking in between sets. Another thing for today's workout: I knew I would need some extra energy so I threw some music on over Tony's voice. I practically have everything he says memorized now anyway after doing Shoulders and Arms so many times during my first round of P90X. The music of choice for today was Coldplay. I really can get pumped with that! Just kidding, I threw on a nice metal and rock mix. Coldplay would probably put me right to sleep.

This workout involves a move with the shoulders followed by an exercise that engages the biceps and then another exercise involing the triceps. Then you repeat that throughout the whole workout for about 50 minutes or so. It's a pretty solid workout and is up there with some of my favorite videos for P90X.

I really like the Bicep exercises in this video. The Congdon curls are straight cash, homie! I used 35 pounds on a lot of exercises today. I tried to really put a lot of tension on them. I also was impressed when I got down on my chair and cranked out 51 chair dips non-stop. The strength in my triceps has gone through the roof it appears. Pretty soon I figure I'll start pulling cars with a chain at this rate.

Ab Ripper X was tough and exhausting as always, but I was able to dig down and crank out all the reps. I don't know why I really struggle with that Crunchy Frog move though. A lot of other people seem to think that is the easiest one in Ab Ripper X. Perhaps I need to strengthen my lower back move, because it seems to be engaged a bit on that move. It could be a balance related issue too I suppose, but I really struggle through this one everytime.

"You want that pizza, don't you fatboy? Go ahead take a slice..." - White Goodman

The diet was pretty clean again today, but I avoided a potential disaster. As I wrote earlier, my family and I went out today to celebrate my gram's 80th birthday. We decided to go to Ruby's Pizza, which is pretty much a dive bar about 5 minutes from where I live. But my god, their pizza there is phe·nom·e·nal.
Naturally, my family decided to order three pies of pizza, and I was asked to have "just a slice" many, many times. "Oh look. There's just a few slices left. Have a few, Kurt." Now, I personally am not even a big pizza fan, but their pizza is delicious there. Don't worry, I did not cave to this pressure. I took the easy way out by stuffing myself with a protein bar and recovery drink after finishing my workout which was right before we left to eat. I wasn't even hungry for a slice of pizza, so I had no problems refusing one. Even if I was craving some pizza I wouldn't of had one. I strongly feel like today's workout is in at least the top three best performances I had, if not the best. There's no way that I was throwing even a hint of progress out the window for five minutes in pizza heaven. So, I swerved a good pothole in the diet road tonight I think.

Here's how the diet looked today:
Meal 1:
- 2 whole eggs, 3 egg whites
- cup of oatmeal
- orange
- glass of soy milk

Meal 2:
- tbsp olive oil
- carrots

Meal 3:
- protein bar
- protein shake

Meal 4:
- whole wheat pasta (cup)
- solid white albacore tuna w/ light mayo
- banana
- 1 0z dry roasted peanuts

Meal 5:
- chicken on whole wheat wrap
- peanut butter and celery sticks
- honey nut cherrios
- granny smith apple

Meal 6:
- recovery drink
- protein bar

Meal 7:
- chicken salad w balsamic vingear as dressing

Meal 8:
- 2 scoops of casein protein before bed


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