Sunday, February 13, 2011

STFU N00B! (Volume 4)

Volume 4: Dear cocky Eagles fans

Dear cocky Eagles fans:
Before you brag about how "great" your team is and bust on every other team during the season please remember three things:
1. Don't do that.
2. You will choke at the end of the season, so be prepared to eat crow.
3. You have no superbowl trophies!!!

I feel that I must bring this to attention because all year the only things I heard from Eagles fans was straight out trash talk and meaningless words. Yes, I am a huge Washington Redskins fan and we did not have a great season by any means at all. But before you go ahead and trash me apart for liking a bad team, just remember the scoreboard before you open your mouth. We have three superbowl rings. You have zero. Not three, not two, not even one. You have 0!!! Therefore, I will fail to take any insult seriously coming from an Eagles fan until they finally win a superbowl ring and have more than the Redskins. Oh and by the way, Championship rings from the early 1900's DO NOT COUNT! Any team could have won one when there are only a handful of teams back then. Face facts and recognize that your team has failed to prove that they can play strong and win in the big game.

Also, why does everyone jump on the band-wagon when the Eagles are winning and nobody says anything when they are having a bad year? Is it because you only follow them when they win? Get real, people. I have been a Redskins fan since the year of 1994. They have been awful since then, but I still watch their games and root for them. If you like the Eagles, then that's great for you. I won't bust your ass for liking them. However, once you start running your mouths like you're the king of the county, and bust fans of other teams, expect to hear some words back. For instance, when the Steelers lost the superbowl this year, numerous Eagles fans on my facebook wall were blowing it up with "How about them Steelers?" and "So much for that stairway". It makes you really wonder what the thought process is here. You have zero rings! Zero! Doesn't it suck that you don't have the chance to play for your seventh ring, let alone first? Haters gonna hate, I guess.

Anyway, here's to a good next season. Whenever that may be! No hard feelings. :-)

Fan of team with rings

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