Wednesday, September 23, 2015

P90X round 3: Day 3a- Plyometrics

So as you are now aware, I was unable to do Plyometrics on day 2. I decided that I would push this to day 3 with shoulders and arms + ab ripper x. Was this suicide? Yes, probably. But I just can't leave that workout skipped. My conscience wouldn't let me. And that's the important thing- because like they say in the videos "just keep pushing play", "show up", and all that other mumbo jumbo generic cliche shit. I started out of the gates feeling strong. Now, keep in mind that I don't plan to go super super crazy in my intensity level for this workout. This is mainly because my current goal is to gain mass. I even considered swapping Plyo out with Cardio X, but decided since Laura is enduring through the Plyo, I also would partake in this (crazy, right?). I banged through the first two rounds like cakewalk and than had some issues on the 3rd round where I actually started to gas out a little bit. I particularly like the 4th round best out of all the rounds (starting off with the rock star hops).

Something I like about this workout is that I can literally feel how explosive it is on my thighs. And I feel like I gain some more agility with regards to moves like circle run and the twist combo. This will definitely help me with skating in the winter for hockey, so I see the importance of this workout even with regards to my goals of gaining muscle mass. I also love the bonus round, however, I did not do it this time around because I was planning to not entirely kill myself with 2 P90X workouts in one day. That's hard enough, people. Cut me a little slack, I feel that's a little fair. I will 100% be partaking in the bonus round next week and every week after this. 

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