Wednesday, September 23, 2015

P90X round 3: Day 3b- Shoulders and Arms + Ab Ripper X

So I worked from 12-9 today, which as we all know is a horrible schedule. Not enough time in the morning to get things done and not enough time in the afternoon. I finished my day 2 plyo in the morning. And then I waited to finish shoulders and arms after work. Now, I did complete ab ripper x just BEFORE work. I have to say, doing it on its own and not directly after the other video seems to be much more effective for me. I would say I completed 90-95% of the workout. The only thing I struggled with were fifer scissors, which is definitely the hardest move in that video. I only got maybe about 10 or 12 and needed to take a break. I did however, finish everything else in the video, even throwing in a few modifications to make the bicycles more difficult. 

I felt fine during the shoulder and arm workout. I love this workout because it is really challenging and my goodness, the pump is epic. One spot of weak point training I'm really going to focus on is development of my triceps and rear deltoids in particular. I do feel pretty good about my arms, and usually when you talk about arms with most guys they'll tell you they want bigger bicep mass, tone, shape, peak, whatever, etc. But it truly is important to not forget about the shoulders and triceps. Your triceps actually make up 2/3 of your arm size, so don't be fooled about just doing endless and endless bicep curls.

Tomorrow, I'm going to do yoga, which I remember struggling a lot with. Flexibility = not likely with "Dem big muscles tho..." I also plan to take measurements tomorrow including weight, waist size, bicep size, etc. And I'll be monitoring weight  every Thursday, although my goal isn't to get obsessed over the weight number. My goals are to gain muscle mass, which I have shown in prior rounds to be possible in P90X. Stay healthy my friends.

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