Tuesday, September 29, 2015

P90X round 3: Day 9- Plyometrics

Well, so I ended up only getting 3 hours of sleep last night for some odd reason. I had the intentions of doing plyo as soon as I came home, but I laid down for just one minute, and you know the rest. Five hour nap. Yep.

When I did plyo today, it was pretty late (10:30), and I didn't feel the most energetic or greatest. But the show must go on! Keep showing up. And I did.

For starters, I already am skeptical about doing this high intensity cardio with regards to my goals of gaining mass. So, I decided to do the modified moves and don't go super intense during this workout. But add in a lower sense of energy and a late night workout, and I struggled with this workout again. However, I did stay true to my word and do the bonus round this time. And I was left puddling in sweat when the workout was over. 

The big question tonight is how well I'm going to sleep again. I had issues last night, as I just couldn't fall asleep for the life of me. I don't have work tomorrow, but I want to get up fairly early for tomorrow's workout. 

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