Thursday, September 24, 2015

P90X round 3: Day 4 - Yoga X

Definitely my least favorite video of P90X and I'll you why- I suck at flexibility. If I were a little better with flexibility, I probably wouldn't mind this workout though. I always get rickety during the first half of this video (crescent pose, warrior one, warrior two, warrior sixty-six, etc), and it usually feels like my hamstrings are actually on fire. The very first time I did this video years ago, I ended up aggravated and cursing during the first 45 minutes of this exercise. 

The last 45 minutes of the exercise are enjoyable to me though. The little yoga belly 7 is pretty good. I am going to stick with doing yoga for this round. I thought about switching it out with insanity's cardio recovery, but I'll keep things legit to the P90X Classic workout plan.

For today's workout I struggled greatly right off the bat after about the 15 minute mark. I know it's cause I haven't done stretch / yoga workouts in years, and I just have to get there with my flexibility. I may even consider doing the Sunday stretch videos (before football of course), but we'll see. The judge is out on that.

I recorded my stats for this upcoming round. Here's what we're looking at.

Weight - 169.1 lbs
Left bicep - 14.5"
Right bicep - 14.5"
Left quad - 24"
Right quad - 24"
Left calf - 14.5"
Right calf - 14.5"
Chest - 43"
Waist - 34"

I'd love to get my chest bigger and I want to gain muscle mass. If I can get to 175-180 lbs range by the end of this round, I'll feel pretty accomplished, even though I know that weight won't be as important as the actual numbers of body parts measured. Also, I'd like to be able to get back to 15" biceps. I do also want flexibility increased if possible, because I think it will greatly help my golf game (from what I'm hearing at least), and even be able to increase my hockey skating. 

I took some pics to be able to compare from week 1 to the last day. I consider myself pretty fit to begin this round, but I'm very excited to improve.

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