Wednesday, October 7, 2015

P90X round 3: Day 16b - Golf and Chest and Back

Part 2 of 2: Right after Ab Ripper, I went to Arnold's with Kyle to golf again. I had a very miserable front 9 with a dreaded score of 59, but I took the back nine by storm for a score of 47 for a total of 106. Last week, I hit a 99 here with Chris, so needless to say, I was a little disappointed. But at least I finished strong and didn't quit which I am proud of. I always do awesome on the back 9 and sucky on the front. This leads me to believe that maybe I need a warmup routine.

Chest and back I didn't start until 12:41 (great job Kurt), but in my defense I was mostly busy today at all points of the day. I need to be careful here with my durability. I had absolutely 0 issues so far this month with P90X, but I can't keep overloading these days like this and expect to not burn myself out. As for the results of the workout, I was skeptical that I would match previous weeks' totals. However, I absolutely smashed this week. Needless to say, and it's obvious by my numbers, hat my strength has been going through the roof. And you know the old saying? If you got stronger, then you also got bigger. I think this might be true, because I'm smashing it lately with regards to strength. I did learn something though, be extremely careful with doubling up in the future.

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