Thursday, October 8, 2015

P90X round 3: Day 18 - Yoga X

So I tipped the scales today at 170.0 pounds. Do you really think I went from 169.1 to 173.0 back down to 170.0 again in a stretch of 3 weeks? It is possible I suppose, but the more realistic assumption is that my body weight was just fluculated a little more than normal last week. This goes to prove that you can't live and die by weight alone for judging your appearance.

Set an alarm for 5:30AM today, and I said "let's go do some yoga". The goal with starting early today is that:
1) I want to get yoga over extremely quick as possible
2) I may be doubling up legs and back today because I'll be heading to Boston tomorrow night to visit Laura
3) Just because bro

Now, I didn't actually do half bad today. I really look forward to those balance postures and the entire last half of Yoga X. On the flip side, I'm not the biggest fan of the Warrior One / Warrior Two movements. I would just completely rather get rid of them altogether. But I do them because I have a guilty conscience and must. Life goes on. We'll see if I end up doubling today.

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