Thursday, October 1, 2015

P90X round 3: Day 11 - Yoga X

So I got my body back up to 173.0 pounds. I weighed myself in the morning again like I did last week. When I weighed myself last week, I was 169.1 pounds. Do we think this is a solid 3.9 pounds of muscle gain? Well, obviously not. First off, that probably would only be possible if I was juicing. But more importantly, I am also aware that weight is a measurement you can't really trust cause it keeps fluculating daily. Don't believe me? Seriously, try it then. Weigh yourself first thing in the morning, and then once right after lunch, and then weight yourself just before you hit your bed for the night. I've fluculated up to 7 pounds in one day before. That's why we'll need to go by our exact measurements for more accurate reading of results through this round of P90X. The important numbers will be in the inches my biceps gained or lost, or the inches I took off my waist, etc. These are accurate readings that cannot be disputed. Every recovery week I think I will measure myself, and I'll continue to weigh myself every Thursday morning.

As for Yoga, I started yoga today after getting a tooth filled AND golfing 18 holes with Chris. I had bit into a popcorn kernel accidentally the other day and I saw stars. Turns out that part of an old filling came loose and I needed it to get re-filled. If there's one workout that seems easy but is clearly not, it's yoga. I swear yoga will be the death of me. If it helps with my rock-like flexibility though, then in the end, it will be all worth it.

Phase 1 Yoga thoughts:
Wow what an improvement! I went from being completely frustrated and even skipping a few of the warrior moves here and there, to being able to stick with about 90% of the first 45 minutes. 

Phase 2 Yoga thoughts:
Relatively little issues and complaints here. The Yoga Belly keeps things interesting and the balance movements in the beginning are actually pretty enjoyable to me.

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