Monday, October 19, 2015

P90X round 3: Day 26 - Golf

Time to bear down and demolish my golf game. That was the thought process for today. I had a 7-3 shift at work today, and right after I zipped over to Morgan Hills with my dad to start off at about 4:00 with the intention to play 9 holes. However, by the time we zipped through the first nine, we still had enough time to zip through an additional nine. So we ended up playing 18 holes in under just 2 hours and 54 minutes. Now, normally my pace with another player is around 3.5 - 4 hours. But today, it was cold and there really wasn't that many people in front of us. We did end up skipping a six-some as they were simply oblivious to us and couldn't let us play through I guess. So we played hole 8 at the end with 2 balls each. My foot did not bother me so much, but now I also have a very slight tweak in my thumb (nagging golf injury), but I can't imagine it slowing me down in anyway. When I came home, I was pooped and fell asleep rather early. Actually early enough to nearly miss an event I was invited to. But luckily, I awoke and drove over quick before it was over. I certainly don't have a lot of free time on my hands it would appear.

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