Wednesday, October 21, 2015

P90X Round 3: Day 31 - Chest and Back + Ab Ripper X

Today I dominated chest and back. Weighted pull-ups, my friends. That's the killer way to fully take advantage of strength gains for your back and biceps. This workout is like my bread and butter. It probably is my favorite so far (it's been awhile since I've done all the workouts, I'll have to refresh my memory). I demolished the hammer curls, and my god, those strip down sets are ridiculous. But I like it. Obviously, I had no issues with my foot today since I wasn't constantly moving on them. I'm interested to see how they will be during the legs and back workout. Hopefully I have no issues.

Ab Ripper X went pretty well today, although near the end I was just too gassed out. I went round for round, sticking with Tony until the V-up roll ups and then struggled to get any of the oblique movements in. We'll see. Tomorrow I'm going golfing as I'm off work, and I really am hopeful that my foot won't give me any problems.

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