Monday, October 19, 2015

P90X round 3: Day 28 - Golf Tournament

Round 4 weekly self rating scale:
Durability: 6
Diet: 6
Intensity Level: 7
Mental: 9
Strength: 10
Flexibility: 6
Cardiovascular Endurance: 9
Sleep: 9
Core: 9
Completed all workouts for week? 0/6 
Overall self score: 71
Previous self score: 78

So yeah, obviously it was kind of hard to rate this week. I ran into two nagging injuries this week (athlete's foot and sore thumb). And with a golf tournament upcoming and me having to focus on that event, I knew it would be tough to follow to a T. If this weren't a recovery week, I probably would make myself repeat the week altogether. However, being that I had these issues, and it was just a recovery week, I will pick up where I'll be on Monday. 

My thoughts on the score is that sleep and rest went very well this week. Honestly, the diet wasn't very great this week either. But I was at least somewhat motivated to do well with regards to golf. 

As for the actual tournament (which was 4 person better ball), we shot an 84 at Mount Airy. There was a frost delay for about an hour or so, which held things up a little bit. We all played pretty well, I thought and most of the time I kept the order Zack, Kyle, my dad and then me for teeing off. The weather was extremely uncomfortable (34 to be exact) and 11 mph winds doesn't help anything. Some teams came in with scores of 62, 66, and in that range, and I really find it unlikely that they actually hit that in that weather. The pros would've shot like 3 under par. Judging by the characters and the overall rudeness of the players up there (and believe me there were a lot of instances of players being dickheads and we even saw the team in front of us move their ball out of the rough like 15 feet), I would be very surprised if those scores were actually legit to be honest. But hey, whatever, what can I do? Overall, we had a very good time and it was very enjoyable to be captain of my team at the end of the day. What a great experience.   

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