Saturday, March 5, 2011

P90X Round 2 Day 13: Kenpo X

From now on, I have one thought process for everything I do: "Dominate". That's the game plan for everything I am going to do from now on. Regardless if it's working out, professional work, tests or projects, gymnastics, Foosball or whatever, I am going to try to dominate. I was reading more of the "Hockey Tough" book I just got and I started to make a little connection in my head. The book pointed out an idea that when negative feelings such as frustration, anger, unconfidence arise, so do negative outcomes. For instance, if you feel like you just can't catch a break shooting the puck on net with the mindset "It's not happening today", maybe you won't take a shot next time and look to pass it, when maybe you had a decent chance of scoring a goal if you just shot. See the relationship here? So I thought to myself, "why not apply this process to normal life activites?". As a result, I really had some motivation during Kenpo.

I did the first series of Kenpo with 5 pound dumbbells again. It still really worked my shoulders mostly. I also included the dumbbells with the vertical punches at the end. Everything else in the workout went fine. I think I'm starting to gain experience of learning all of the moves in Kenpo, which is pretty cool. Cage Match, anyone? ;-)

After I finished Kenpo, I ate a few times and then headed up to the Avoca airport with Chris to travel to Charlotte, North Carolina. My first plane experience went really well. I had no issues with motion sickness as a took a Dramamine pill an hour before the flight. We did experience some turbulence, but it was nothing major and I wasn't nervous. We were met by Jan, Jenna and Emily at the airport in Charlotte to which we embarked on our southern journey. I will actually be writing more about the trip in a later post with possibly some pictures.

I ate clean for the most part on P90X day 13, although I did order two grilled chicken wraps with light ranch from Sonic on the way up to the airport. It's probably the best thing you can order up there and it's actually quiet tasty!

Thanks for reading,

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