Saturday, March 19, 2011

P90X Round 2 Day 26: Core Synergistics

I came home from work today and was just feeling simply worn down, so I took two scoops of White Flood before today's workout. Boy, did I really get going about 30 minutes after taking it. I felt that I had incredible power today and I took I really did a good job on all of the moves today. I logged a few more prison push-ups then I ever did before. I did about 9 without having to stop, and I use to get around 5-7 reps and then I would need to stop briefly.

The diet went flawless today I felt, but I the texture of the Arnold shake is really starting to bother me. I believe it is the raw eggs that makes it so nasty, so I may cut back on them for a little bit. I think that I'm going to do the Arnold shakes only 2-3 times each week. Here's how the diet looked:

- 4 poached eggs
- two slices of whole wheat toast with butter
- glass of whole milk
- cantaloupe

Mid-morning snack:
- Arnold shake

- 8 oz tuna
- cottage cheese
- apple
- 2 glasses whole milk
- Mayo sandwich (whole wheat bread)

Mid-afternoon snack:
- Arnold shake

- glass whole milk
- glass of low sodium V8
- steam carrots
- baked potato
- cantaloupe
- 8 oz grilled chicken breast

Before bed snack:
- Arnold shake

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