Sunday, March 20, 2011

P90X Round 2 Day 27: Blend of Yoga X, Jogging, Cycling and Sprinting

I slept in until about 1:00 today, and it felt awesome! I was well rested for anything. After I woke up, I went into the kitchen and made breakfast. I turned on Yoga X for the first 10-15 minutes. I did everything up until the start of the Warrior poses. It looked kind of nice out today so I went for a 10 minute jog around the neighborhood. Also, I wanted to modify and mix up my P90X workout again. It actually wasn't as nice I thought it looked outside, because it was very windy. Nevertheless, I jogged for about 3/4 of a mile at a very slow pace.

I did some stationary cycling for 10 minutes after jogging. I also did that at a slow and steady pace. I was able to cycle 2 miles in about 10 minutes and 30 seconds. I do not want to take anything really hard this week because I would like to recover as it is a "recovery week". I could definitely feel some fatigue at the end of last week (especially during Legs and Back day), so I would like to be fresh going into the start of my second phase for this round. After cycling, I did three quick sets of sprinting. The distance wasn't too far, but I would say for each sprint that it was about 200-250 meters. I didn't particularly care for the sprinting sets too much, mainly because I felt nauseous but it's a good change of pace.

When I came back to the house, I could just feel the dehydration. So I carbed up with a Clif Energy Bar and had a recovery drink. I was back kicking around in no time. After the nice blend of everything today, I played some at a poker cash game. I did PHENOMAL in case you're wondering. I bought in for $50 and ended up cashing out with $302. Not a bad profit, eh? What can I say? I'm a whiz-kid at these types of things. :-P

On a side note, I will be weighing myself in again tomorrow morning right after I wake up. I actually have a feeling that I lost a little weight, because the training was nowhere near the intensity level of last week. I was sweating really hard last week, and that showed from the muscle weight I gained from that week. Also, eliminating some of those carbs out my diet change will probably contribute to a loss of weight as well. Long story short, I am expecting to losing anywhere from 1-2 pounds tomorrow, but that's okay and I know I will make my goal of 170 pounds because I dominate at everything I do. I know, that sounds cocky, but that's my new mindset for everything I do from now on. Remember?

The diet went pretty well today, although I did get a LOT of calories logged in today. Since I feel like I am losing weight, the only logical thing to do would be to eat more. I didn't eat any junk today, so I am confident that the total of roughly 4500 calories from today's diet will help to get me on the right track again.

- 4 poached eggs
- one serving of wheaties with 1/2 cup of milk
- glass of whole milk
- granny smith apple

Mid-morning snack:
- Clif energy bar (Oatmeal Raisin Walnut)
- Recovery drink (Endurox R4 Lemon Lime)

- 8 oz tuna
- cottage cheese
- cantaloupe
- 2 glasses whole milk
- Mayo sandwich (whole wheat bread)

Mid-afternoon snack:
- Two scoops of BSN Syntha-6 (with whole milk)

- glass whole milk
- glass of low sodium V8
- steamed broccoli
- baked potato
- cantaloupe
- 4 oz grilled chicken breast
- 4 oz tuna

Before bed snack:
- casein protein with whole milk
- 6 tbsp olive oil

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