Sunday, March 27, 2011

P90X Round 2 Day 34: Kenpo X

Today I was originally going to sup Kenpo X for a chest workout, but I decided against it at the last minute. I will be attacking the chest fairly hard this Monday again, so why risk injury with it?

The first thing I noticed about doing Kenpo X today was that my speed was noticeably faster on all of the moves. Even when I did the first set with 5 pound dumbbells, I felt pretty fast. I can now nail the jab / cross / hook / uppercut combo under a second. Also, I feel like I am getting an extreme amount of power on all of my punches especially.

Another thing I have noticed in my progression with Kenpo is that the height on all of my kicks improved. I use to be able to barely reach my feet up above my waist. Now, I can get pretty close to kicking at a chin or jaw-line level.

The diet went pretty flawless again. From now on, you can basically assume the diet went great unless I specify otherwise. So far, I have done 34 days in a row of eating right and healthy. I have yet to have a single "cheat meal".


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