Thursday, March 24, 2011

P90X Round 2 Day 32: Yoga X

Find your inner being. Alright, perhaps that was a little cliche. Today was Yoga X, a workout which I have been growing to like. I feel that my flexibility has definitely improved since the beginning of my first round. A reason I can tell that this is the case is because that I am able to get deeper during all of my stretches even after putting pounds of muscle on. I weighed 146 when I did my first round. Now, I am around 12-15 pounds heavier and although I can feel tightness from the muscle I added, I am still able to get deep in the stretch somehow.

Today at lunch I was actually reading about breathing and calming yourself down in my "Hockey Tough" book. There were some tips that were very helpful and I used today for Yoga X. First off, the key to remaining in the moment is to realize that the past is in the past and the future is not the present. The key to having the effective mindset for Yoga is to be live in the present. Slowly concentrate on inhaling a breath and slowly exhale. As you inhale feel all of the energy that is around you and visualize it flowing in your body as you exhale. It's a pretty neat trick and it is good to use for any life situation, not just Yoga.

On a side note, I finally made a purchase for the adjustable dumbbells. I will have the Ironmaster Quick Lock adjustable 75 pound dumbbells delivered to my house soon along with the Ironmaster Super Bench. I also purchased some attachments with the Super Bench including a pull-up bar, dip bars and a sit-up bar for doing decline sit-ups. It was part of a package deal, that I received much cheaper than purchasing everything seperately. I am STOKED that I ordered this and simply cannot wait until it arrives at my house. This system will be used for me for years and it makes sense for me to buy it since I am increasing strength and will be using it a lot. Next on the saving list is a barbell set and bench stand for doing bench-press workouts. Then, a power rack is next on the list for doing squats and such (although that won't be for another year or two).

The diet was basically the same as yesterday, except I only had 3 glasses of whole milk instead of my usual 5.5 glasses. For the subbed out glasses of milk I had some saltine crackers with my usual protein shake and extra calories in the morning with oatmeal instead of the toast.

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