Thursday, March 10, 2011

P90X Round 2 Day 18: Shoulders and Arms & Ab Ripper X

I came home from work and cranked out Shoulders and Arms. I also decided to man up and add some weight again to most of the exercises. I did all of the bicep workouts with at least 35 pound weights, so I definitely felt a good pump going through my arms today. I also threw a little change-up with the chair dips and held a leg up while doing them for more tension in the triceps.

Ab Ripper X was pretty exhausting today, and I had some trouble with the Fifer Scissors today. The good news is that I dominated the Crunchy Frog though. I feel that I have much more strength in my core, so I am making progress with the abs.

The diet went pretty good today as well. I plan on waking up around 5:30 in the morning tomorrow to do another workout for Couch to 5K before work. I will also be doing Yoga in the evening, so we'll see how this goes. If it goes well, I'll add it to the routine. If not, I'll just scrap the Couch to 5K workouts and sub them once in a blue moon.

Thanks for reading,

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