Saturday, March 12, 2011

P90X Round 2 Day 19: Couch to 5K / Yoga X

When I woke up today at 5:30AM (30 minutes earlier then when I normally wake up for work), I noticed that it was pitch black outside. I guess I underestimated how dark 5:30AM is, and there was no way I was going to run in the dark while it was freezing outside. Instead, I went back to sleep for 30 more minutes. I love my beauty rest! I work up very tired and groggy, and work seemed like it went by very slow today.

I had a breakfast of four soft boiled eggs with oatmeal and an orange. Afterward, I had a protein shake and bar during my first break at work. For lunch, I decided to step my game up and ate an entire pound of chicken breast with a cup of whole wheat pasta and a granny smith. At the deli I live by, chicken breast was only $3.99 per pound, so I decided to stock up on it for this week. For my next break at work, I had peanuts, unsalted crackers and a peanut butter sandwich.

After I came home from work, I decided to do the Couch to 5K workout which was the same from two days ago. However, I did not add any weight or biking to today's workout. I was able to run 1.54 miles in 20 minutes with intervals of jogging for 60 seconds followed by walking for 90 seconds. I ran most of the time uphill, so my calves were on fire. I could literally feel my heart pulse pumping in my calves that's how much work they got today. After the run, I farted around on the computer for a little bit with my fantasy hockey team because I need to win this week in order to have a chance at making the playoffs.

I went into Yoga X a little after, and I have to say that I just wasn't feeling Yoga today. Of course, it didn't help that I ran uphill right beforehand, so I took it pretty easy in Yoga today. I actually skipped the last 30 minutes or so of Yoga X today because I got some quality stretching done after my Couch to 5K run and didn't feel I needed it today. Also, my abs have been sore from working them the past three days in a row, so I was afraid that the Yoga Belly 7 series would harm them. Some people claim that working your abs out everyday will not allow them to heal or grow, and yet others claim that the abs heal much faster than any other body part and they are okay to work on everyday. This is a widely debated question in bodybuilding. Personally, I go with whatever my gut tells me in this situation. Sure, you can support the idea of working abs out everyday with famous actors and celebrities who do it everyday, but everyone has a different genetic makeup. Ryan Reynolds use to pound out 500 sit-ups everyday before doing a different muscle group six days in a row. Others like Arnold Schwarzenegger recommend only a few times a week.

When my half session of Yoga X was over with, I had a protein bar, a recovery drink and 6 oz of shrimp. Before going to bed, I had veggies, cottage cheese and a scoop of casein protein. Tomorrow is Legs and Back day with Ab Ripper X and I think I'm going to switch the diet up a bit.

Thanks for reading,

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