Monday, March 14, 2011

P90X Round 2 Day 21: Couch to 5K / Chest workout

I woke up today and jumped on the scale to check my progress and I was impressed that I was 159.2 pounds. This is exactly the pace I want to be gaining weight at. At this rate, I'll gain muscle to 170 pounds by the end of this round. I wanted to keep gaining muscle so I thought I'd sub Kenpo out with something a little bit different today. I decided to finish out my first week of Couch to 5K and then do this chest workout below:

Couch to 5K went pretty solid again, and I finished my first week of it today. I haven't tried running with dumbbells for awhile now because I feel that my calves get enough work running uphill all of the time. Running with dumbbells only makes it that much harder.

When I came home from running, I couldn't help but be distracted by all of the hockey games going on today. My team needed to come back on my parent's team in order to make the playoffs, and somehow (by divine intervention), I barely made it by the skin of my teeth. It was extremely close, and my parents and my buddy Sam were in the running to take the final spot I ended up getting. I do feel bad that I foiled their great runs to make the playoffs, especially my parents who never played any fantasy sport before, but I guess that's how it goes. If I win, someone has to lose, right?

After the Couch to 5K run, I decided to do Al Gonz's chest workout. I like this workout for several reasons, but the main reason is that it is the most practical for me. I currently do not have a bench or barbell / weight plates that weigh a lot to get some quality benching done. Personally, I'm not even sure if it would be ideal for me to have a big chest, but I know it could be a lot bigger. A big chest looks good, and would only benefit any kind of atheltic thing that emphasizes upper body strength, but do I currently do anything like that? Perhaps down the road, when I start playing hockey I'll start building some mass in the chest, but for now I am content with strentghening and toning it up. This workout really challenges you if you are looking to build mass and add size, because you using your triceps slightly with your chest on every workout. Those 21 pushups really kick my ass, but I like to go super deep and touch the ground with my chest on them for an added burn.

The diet was pretty much the same for yesterday except I didn't make the Arnold shake to last throughout the day. Instead, I had two protein bars, a small protein shake and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to go with it throughout the day. I also ended the night with two scoops of casein protein and a couple more tablespoons of olive oil. I had slightly more protein and carbs compared to yesterday, but just a little less fat overall.

Thanks for reading,

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