Monday, March 14, 2011

P90X Round 2 Day 22: Yoga X

Today started the beginning of my first recovery week for my second round of P90X. I only got three hours of sleep from last night, but I surprisingly had a decent amount of energy at work today. I also felt no ill effects while working out during Yoga as well. Perhaps this new diet is the source of all this energy. Whatever it is, I'm not complaining about having extra energy.

I feel that this week will give me a much needed rest that I need. I also decided that I am going to take it easy with the cardio this week. Perhaps I'll take a week off from the Couch to 5K workout. I'm not sure what I plan to do yet, but if I do run, it will most likely be during Day 24, which is Kenpo. As far as the workout for today, things went much better compared to the last time I did Yoga. I was able to lock Crane down for 12 seconds or so today, so I am getting better at balance. I also felt I did very well on the Yoga Belly 7 portion of the workout too.

The diet went great again today. I actually had the same exact thing from yesterday but instead of two scoops of casein protein before bed tonight, I had a glass of milk and a scoop of natural whey protein powder.

Thanks for reading,

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