Saturday, March 12, 2011

P90X Round 2 Day 20: Legs and Back & Ab Ripper X

I slept in today and woke up at 11:30. It was nice to get this rest, because I have felt a little restless lately in all honesty. After waking up, I quickly dropped my grandma off at the grocery store and hit up GNC to re-stock on my supply of Mega Men Sport multi-vitamins. I also grabbed some carnitine formula to take because I will be upping my fat macros this month. Carnitine is useful for boosting metabolism and regulating fat. However, it's been argued that sometimes it's not necessary when you don't eat a lot of fat. In those situations, it's been argued to be ineffective and some people even say useless. I will be eating a lot of healthy fats such as olive oil, so I think it will come in handy in my situation. When I came back from my morning errands, I made breakfast and had four soft-boiled eggs with whole wheat toast and butter, a glass of whole milk and a cup of strawberries.

I jumped into the Legs and Back workout a little after breakfast. My energy level was just okay. I think this recovery week coming up is going to be clutch because I feel like I can use it. I added weight on most of the exercises and all of the pull-ups. I actually did better on all of the pull-ups but my legs felt a little worn down today. All of that uphill running has been brutal on my calves especially. I still dogged it out for today, but I had to take a break from using weight on toe is0-roll lunges, deadlift squats and a few others.

Ab Ripper X went decent today as well. I was able to pound all of the reps out but I had to stop briefly during the Heels to the Heaven exercise. Actually, it wasn't more like a stop, but more like my arms lifting my legs up for 3-4 reps so I could catch my breath. Other than that, ARX went pretty well today.

When I finished working out today, I looked through Arnold's Bodybuilding Encyclopedia and made this below:
This is a huge protein shake I made to last for 3 meals today. I took this shake in between breakfast and lunch, in between lunch and dinner, and right before bed. Here are the ingridents listed:
- 6 raw eggs
- 16 oz whole milk
- 1 scoop of whey natural protein powder
- 8 oz water
- 6 tbsp olive oil
- hint of vanilla flavoring
It's actually pretty tasty surprising. Last time I made this, I used soy and took the whole thing after a workout. Needless to say, this caused havoc on my stomach. As I split it up today, I was able to drink this shake throughout the day fine.

After the first shake, I had a 1/2 pound of chicken breast, a banana, two slices of whole wheat bread with light mayonnaise, cottage cheese and two glasses of milk. For dinner I had a huge selection of food. I had a large salad, steamed broccoli, baked potato (not shown in the picture below), an orange, salmon filet, two cans of tuna, and another glass of milk. This was a very large dinner but I was able to man it down.

The diet I followed today was the same diet Arnold Schwarzenegger use to roll with back in his bodybuilding days. The first thing I noticed about this diet is the large amount of diary that is used. Also, there aren't many carbs. The past few weeks of P90X I have been averaging around 400-500 grams of carbs a day. Today, I only logged 222 grams of carbs. I actually like this about the diet because with all the foods I ate, I felt like I had a good amount of energy despite having less carbs in the diet. Sometimes, it is tough to eat these meals though. It can feel like I'm on man vs food for some of these bigger meals. For example, I had about 14 ounces of fish for dinner. That's almost a full pound! Regardless, I'm going to try this diet for awhile because I am getting sick of following the same old diet I have been since the past 2 months or so. Also, I am curious to see how my results will look with this diet.

Thanks for reading,

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