Sunday, March 20, 2011

P90X Round 2 Day 28: Rest

I rested today and slept until about 1 in the afternoon again. What can I say? I'm a heavy sleeper when I don't work. I weighed myself (like I do every Sunday as soon as I wake up) and observed a little weight loss from the previous week (Bummer!). I currently weigh 158.6 pounds and last week I was 159.2 pounds. I lost a total of 0.6 pounds. Honestly, I expected this. I knew that screwing around with my macros would take my body a little getting use to so there were no surprises here. Less carbs in the diet means less fat, so I'll adjust accordingly. I know I'll hit my goal of reaching 170 soon anyway, so I'm not worried. Dominate.

I got a text to go to see the WB/S Penguins play (aka mini-Pittsburgh Penguins) from my buddy Ted. He had unused tickets so I gladly accepted and went to see the game. They played the Carolina Checkers who are apparently the farm team for the Carolina Hurricanes. I gotta say, the game was a pretty good time and the Penguins won 2-1 in regulation. After the game, I ventured to Wal-mart for some groceries and it was pretty jammin' for a Sunday evening. The first thing I needed was whole milk. I noticed that last week, I went through two gallons of milk like nothing. Obviously, I re-stocked with some more milk. I also re-stocked up on eggs, tuna and chicken as my protein intake has gone way up. By the time I had added a few protein bars, I ended up dropping $99 on groceries. I have definetly done a lot worse with groceries, so I wasn't shocked.

With the money I have won from playing poker the other day, I am highly considering spending to the "Kurt Kuklewicz needs a bench and new dumbbells fund". I have seen this pretty sweet bench combo that comes with adjustable dumbbells that go up to 75 pounds for a little over $800. It seems a little steep, but it really is a steal. The dumbbells normally cost $600 by themselves. I'm still scouting around but I'll probably go with the Ironmaster combo here. I am also considering getting attachments for doing sit-ups and dips, but perhaps I'll add those as I progress throughout the year. Stay tuned on this development, I'll be purchasing something by the end of this week most likely.

Today's diet:
- 4 poached eggs
- two slices of whole wheat toast with butter
- glass of whole milk
- cantaloupe

Mid-morning snack:
- 2 Clif energy bar (Oatmeal Raisin Walnut)

- big chicken wrap with 1/4 cup of cheddar cheese and lettuce (whole wheat wrap)
- banana
- 2 glasses whole milk
- Mayo sandwich (whole wheat bread)

Mid-afternoon snack:
- Clif Builder's Bar (Chocolate mint)
- 3 Tbsp Olive oil

- glass whole milk
- carrots
- celery sticks
- steamed broccoli
- cup of beans
- apple
- 8 oz tuna

Before bed snack:
- one scoop of casein protein with water
- 3 tbsp olive oil

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